Medallion Signature Guarantee
As part of the process in administering North American assets, investors are often required to obtain what is called a ‘Medallion Signature Guarantee’ (MSG) sometimes referred to as a ‘gold medallion’ or 'medallion stamp'.
MSG International through its partners can assist with the provision of Medallion Signature Guarantees covering assets of nearly all value from very simple transfers to the more complex cases for both individuals and institutions worldwide.
A barcoded stamp which has an invisible security compound in the ink that can be read by special “Stamp 2000 Plus” scanners used by transfer agents and investment houses providing certification that the signature being guaranteed is genuine: this is a statutory requirement when transferring or administering shareholdings and other investments within and outside North America.

Medallion Team, 139 Commercial Road, Poole, Dorset, BH14 0JD, United Kingdom